
Wednesday 30 September 2015

What I Learnt About Diamonds And Diamond Cutting?

I watched a video at 'How it's made' on diamond cutting. Watch the video below. My notes and learning on 'Diamond Cutting' after watching this video

1. Diamonds are crystals made of carbon. Carbon is a chemical element with the symbol C.
2. Diamond is the hardest natural substance on the Earth.
3. Diamonds come in variety of colors.
4. The common color of diamond used in jewelry is white.
5. Diamond is originally a larger rough stone.
6. Diamond can be cut only with diamond.

7. So, a mixture of oil and diamond dust is applied on the bronze blade of the saw.
8. Sawing an average rough diamond into two can take up to 4 hours.
9. Then, polishing is done. It is the process of forming the diamond.
10. Then, the diamond is shaped.
11. Cutting the diamond too deep or shallow makes it darker at the center and dull at the edges.
12. Diamond are weighed using carats. One carat weighs 0.2 grams.
13. Polishing one carat diamond can take 3 or 4 hours.


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