I like to share with you the four models of solar system that I know about. The one that is in the school books that we all know is the Heliocentric Model.
Nicolaus Copernicus presented the Heliocentric Model of the Solar System. Copernicus was a Polish who was born in 1473 AD and died in 1543 AD. Many people think this is the model of the solar system because this is the model that is given in the school books. In this model, the sun is stationary. Earth and the others planets revolve around the sun.
But, there are other people who presented different models of the solar system. Claudius Ptolemy, a Greek Mathematician, Geographer, Astronomer and Astrologer who was born years before Copernicus was born presented a model of Solar System called as the Geocentric Model. Ptolemy was born in the year 90 AD and died in 168 AD. He said that the earth is stationary, the moon, sun and the other planets move around the earth in circular orbits.
Next model that I would like to share is the Tychonic System, presented by Tycho Brahe, a Danish Astronomer who had a very long mustache. Tycho Brahe was born in 1546 AD, three years after Copernicus died. Tycho Brahe died in 1601 AD. Tychonic System presents a stationary Earth with moon and sun revolving around it. Mercury and Venus revolves around the sun. Mars and the planets beyond Mars revolves around the Earth and The Sun.
Before any of these people, many many many years back, Sage Veda Vyasa, one who classified the Vedas wrote an ancient book called as Srimad Bhagavata. In that, he wrote in the 5th canto that the Earth is stationary and the moon and the sun revolves around the Earth. Mercury and Venus revolves around the sun. And Mars and the other planets beyond Mars revolve around the Earth and the Sun. The Tychonic System is a bit similar to the Vedic Model given in the Srimad Bhagavata.
The school book talks about the model presented by Copernicus. I wonder why the opinion of other astronomers are not given in the school book. Now, which model is the reality?
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